Tuesday, May 14, 2019
This is the 3rd Annual Early Learning Summit that arose out of the Kindergarten Readiness Initiative. DeKalb ROE continues to foster collaboration by inviting DeKalb County early childcare providers, home visitors and parent educators, elementary school teachers and administrators, and community social service agencies. The agenda includes an update on the Kindergarten Readiness Collaborative, the launch of Basics DeKalb County, and an introduction to the Family Success Program at the ROE. Part of the event will once again be share-outs on what your organization does, its challenges, its celebrations, and how it cooperates with other organizations for the health of our young children. Come prepared to network and speak about your organization. Bring literature to share. Computer, screen, and projector are available if you choose a more formal presentation, but any form of sharing is great!
Dinner is provided and available starting at 5pm. Event begins at 5:30pm.
Open Seats: 30
Cost: $0.00
Location: DeKalb ROE, Blank Slate Room
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