Teacher Evaluator Competency Skill Building for Pre-Qualified Teacher Evaluators (Academy #1448)

Friday, May 11, 2018

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Administrators’ Academy: This course focuses on Domains 2 and 3, and is intended to move administrators who have passed the ISBE evaluator training, and who are very familiar with Charlotte Danielson’s 2011/2013 Framework for Teaching, from compliance to competency. This course requires participants to view teaching, record data according to the Professional Practice rubric, and participate in mock evaluation conferences as evaluator, teacher, or observer. Participants will also be expected to have a high degree of inter-rater reliability when they determine a final rating based on the evidence gathered during the observations. This is one of the Academies that will help “re-qualify” you to conduct teacher evaluations.

Facilitated by Tim Vincent, DeKalb CUSD 428, DeKalb ROE

Location: Five Seasons Room, DeKalb ROE, 2500 N. Annie Glidden Rd., DeKalb IL



Open Seats: 19

Cost: $200.00

Location: DeKalb ROE

Credits: PDCs or Academy Credit