Friday, October 30, 2020
Dual Credit and other Early College Options are increasing the College and Career Readiness of students across the state. Academy outcomes include knowing the impact of dual credit on students’ secondary and postsecondary outcomes, examining the issue of equity with early college credit data on the Illinois Report Card, planning for the ISBE ESSA College and Career Indicators and using the Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Framework to implement college and career readiness activities. Tools and data resources will be shared to measure current early college options, college career readiness, and plan for individual district needs.
Facilitated by Dr. Jason Klein, Northern Illinois University
Additional pre-workshop and post-workshop assignments will be required to meet the minimum time requirements for Administrator Academy credit. If you are taking this course for professional development hours only and will not be completing the post-workshop Application and Dissemination assignment, you will receive 5 PD hours.
Open Seats: closed
Cost: $124.00
Location: ONLINE
Credits: Administrator Academy Credit or PDCs
Hours: 5