Monday, April 7, 2025
STEAMING It Up! inspires participants to integrate science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics (STEAM) throughout the school. If you are looking for a school engineering challenge, a family science festival, online games, inter-disciplinary lessons aligned to standards, artistic endeavors or STEAM activities that improve literacy skills – you’ve come to the right place! NIU STEAM programming is offered within a conceptual framework that is robust, comprehensive and research based. This framework has six catalytic components- problem-based learning, growth and persistence, 21st Century skills, career exploration, core content expertise, and transdisciplinary thinking. Each catalyst has been identified in research and our practice as essential to successful development of a STEAM culture. Our commitment is to work with you to change your school, your classrooms, and even your students’ lives with a STEM/STEAM school.
Facilitated by Dr. Kristin Brynteson, Northern Illinois University
Additional pre- and post-workshop assignments will be required to meet the minimum time requirements for Administrator Academy credit. If you are taking this course for professional development hours only and will not be completing the post-workshop Application and Dissemination assignment, you will receive 5 PD hours.
Open Seats: 20
Cost: $125.00
Location: 2500 N. Annie Glidden Rd. Community Outreach Building Blank Slate Room
Credits: Academy Credit or PD
Hours: 5
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