Administrator Academy #1890: Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Framework: Are Your Students On PaCE to Thrive?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Career Fairs, Job Shadowing, FAFSA, College Visits? How can you align these experiences and activities for students and families in a way that helps ensure they are ready to graduate? This academy will help you implement a coordinated and cohesive college and career readiness framework (PaCE Framework) and formalize your Career Pathways. Tools and data resources will be shared to measure current college career readiness, plan for individual district needs and result in greater engagement with the community. Participants should expect pre- and post-work.

Facilitated by Dr. Amy Jo Clemens, Northern Illinois University

Open Seats: closed

Cost: $124.00

Location: ONLINE

Credits: Administrator Academy or PDCs

Hours: 6