Wednesday, April 14, 2021
The PWR Act establishes a system for school districts to award college and career pathways endorsements on high school diplomas. State agencies and employers have coordinated to identify minimum career competencies to incorporate into endorsement programs along with identifying 10 Essential Employability Competencies, formerly known as “soft skills”. College and career pathway endorsements require an individualized learning plan, career-focused instruction, career exploration activities and 60 hours of internships or similar experiences. This administrator academy studies foundational information about career pathways, essential skills, competencies, work-based learning, dual credit opportunities and other important components for student college and career success after high school.
Facilitated by Dr. Jason Klein, Northern Illinois University
Additional pre-workshop and post-workshop assignments will be required to meet the minimum time requirements for Administrator Academy credit. If you are taking this course for professional development hours only and will not be completing the post-workshop Application and Dissemination assignment, you will receive 5 PD hours.
Open Seats: closed
Cost: $124.00
Location: ONLINE
Credits: Administrator Academy Credit or PDCs
Hours: 5