Thursday, August 1, 2019
This event is for ALL staff who work with children in our early learning settings and our schools.
The DeKalb ROE recognizes that being an educator is a stressful job. In order to provide the best environment for the students, educators need stress management and their own social emotional care. This is why the DeKalb ROE is continuing with our 2nd Annual Spirit Day to welcome back school personnel and devote a day to health, wellness, and spirit rejuvenation!
There will be a vendor room with great giveaways, raffle baskets donated from local businesses, physical and mental health professionals, indoor and outdoor activities, and a lot of fun! Admission is FREE, but donations are being accepted for Friends of DeKalb ROE. Participants may attend for any portion of the day or the entire day. A detailed schedule with participating vendors and presenters will be posted on our website in June, but reserve your spot now. Only those who register here are eligible for the grand prize raffle basket.
Open Seats: closed
Cost: $0.00
Location: DeKalb ROE, 2500 N. Annie Glidden Rd., DeKalb IL