Wednesday, September 23, 2020
In this session, we build awareness around different ways to approach the ‘cadence’, or timelines, of student’s needs and learning opportunities within a synchronous and asynchronous session. Using examples and scenarios to explore possibilities, we introduce the ideas of ‘synchronous’ and ‘asynchronous’ learning, and participants think about key ‘benchmarks’ of learning. We will ask participants to compare how their own schedules from in-person learning will change and remain. Participants start to build their own strategic plan for what is most important to them and their students in this area.
This is a Zoom workshop. Participants will engage in the session through dialogue and interaction among peers with professional reading and video.
Facilitated by Crystal Wash, DeKalb ROE
Open Seats: closed
Cost: $18.00
Location: Virtual
Credits: PDCs
Hours: 2