Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Early child development is a community issue. Join the DeKalb ROE and a nationally acclaimed presenter for this event designed to bring together stakeholders across the community who hold positions where they are integral to healthy child development.
The Basics are five fun, simple, and powerful ways to help all of our children aged Birth – 3 grow to be happy and smart:
- Maximize love and manage stress
- Talk, sing and point
- Count, group, and compare
- Explore through movement and play
- Read and discuss stories
This workshop is repeated at 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm on June 19 for your convenience.
Intended audience: Childcare providers, early learning and pre-school providers, administrators of pre-schools, pre-school and kindergarten teachers, home visitors and parent educators, community social service agencies who work with families with infants and young children
Presenter: Dr. Ron Ferguson, Faculty director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University
As an extension of this event, please register for the Early Learning Summit on June 26 if you are able to attend. This is the 2nd Annual Summit where early learning providers and primary grades teachers/administrators come together for collaboration. Part of the Summit will be debriefing and strategizing on how the Basics can be implemented.
Open Seats: 3
Cost: $0.00
Location: DeKalb ROE, Blank Slate Room
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