
Parapro Assessment

Before registering for the ParaProfessional Assessment, please review information about Paraprofessional licensure.  Click here. If you have taken this test previously, you must wait a minimum of 21 days after your previous attempt to retake the test. The ETS ParaPro Assessment is given in an Internet-based computer format. The test has more

Parapro Assessment

Before registering for the ParaProfessional Assessment, please review information about Paraprofessional licensure.  Click here. If you have taken this test previously, you must wait a minimum of 21 days after your previous attempt to retake the test. The ETS ParaPro Assessment is given in an Internet-based computer format. The test has more

Parapro Assessment

Before registering for the ParaProfessional Assessment, please review information about Paraprofessional licensure.  Click here. If you have taken this test previously, you must wait a minimum of 21 days after your previous attempt to retake the test. The ETS ParaPro Assessment is given in an Internet-based computer format. The test has more

Parapro Assessment

Before registering for the ParaProfessional Assessment, please review information about Paraprofessional licensure.  Click here. If you have taken this test previously, you must wait a minimum of 21 days after your previous attempt to retake the test. The ETS ParaPro Assessment is given in an Internet-based computer format. The test has more

Play-Based Learning in the K-2 Classroom

Research shows that play-based learning is critical to the success of our youngest students. This type of learning perfectly aligns with KIDS and is fully endorsed by ISBE. Join us and learn how to implement play-based learning into your classroom. There are many ways this can be accomplished as it more

We Got This by Cornelius Minor, Book Study

Join us as we explore this book and discuss “equity, access and the quest to be who our students need us to be”. We will explore ways of authentically listening to students and how to meet them where they are. Cornelius Minor identifies tools, attributes, and strategies that can help more

Educator Wellness Make and Take RESCHEDULED STAY TUNED

It's back! Join us for the return of this popular professional development training where educators learn about the theories and research that support social emotional learning strategies. Participants will have the opportunity to experience and reflect on strategies for their own wellness as well as those they can implement in more

Educator Wellness Make and Take RESCHEDULED STAY TUNED

It's back! Join us for the return of this popular professional development training where educators learn about the theories and research that support social emotional learning strategies. Participants will have the opportunity to experience and reflect on strategies for their own wellness as well as those they can implement in more

Media Literacy & Digital Tattoos: Growing Up in a Digital Age

In today’s world, students are continually exposed to media. From TikTok to podcasts to simply searching the internet and every social media platform in between. This continual media exposure can create a world of misinformation and the inability to identify when sources are reliable and when they aren’t. With the more

Implementing Effective Classroom Management Strategies

Are you struggling to manage classroom behaviors? Are you unsure of what to do next? You are not alone! Join this workshop to learn more about implementing natural and logical consequences that change behavior. This session also includes content on restorative practices and supporting students in crisis. Facilitated by Jordan Eggleson, more